Is Damian Priest better as a heel or a face?
Women of Reddit, what is the percentage for dating a man personality vs. physical attraction?
Looking for an episode
IMO the only ones who can dethrone number 17 cena
Currently rewatching. Jack is insufferable
If someone says : wwe is so fake . What are you replying back with
As a dad have you ever felt inadequate because you can't do manly things?
Let’s talk about one of the most memorable characters on the show. What’s everyone’s opinion on cousin Beth?
Since when does Iceburgh go to away games?
Suck it losers!
I miss 20+ Episodes TV seasons because it brought us hilarious story arcs like "Sawyer needs glasses" or "Sawyer, Jin, Charlie and Hurley bonding over Ben's fathers old VW Van"
Do you think the wwe can ever turn this man babyface
Does Dwayne like having lame merch
If the Judgement day splits up would you want these two to stay together or want them to go seperate ways
Besides LWO and Wyatt 6, is there any baby face factions?
WWE SmackDown Discussion (7 March 2025)
The Rock isn't counting down from three since Bad Blood. He's been counting up from one since WrestleMania XL Saturday.
Who had a worse reign out of these 3?
Which match was the best in their trilogy?
I wish I was a Monica but I'm a Rachel. What about you?
Bacon, egg, cheese, hash brown
How long would you survive the island?
Who will win?
After the New Day and John Cena heel turn, I realized that nobody could ever be a babyface forever.