Αύριο μπαίνω στρατό , ιδού ότι έχω μάθει ως τα 31 μου χρόνια.
Let's talk about the European Defense Federation. How do we all feel about the creation of a fully mobilised continental Army?
"NATO is not the thing that Russia is afraid of. Russia is afraid of democracy expanding to Russia," Kaja Kallas said in an interview with AFP in Washington.
7 days straight of oil and combing
Should I wear this under my suit? 👔
Mondays suck. Do you? (33)
Sauna Conversation reveals deep fears of nudity
My solution on the current crisis
Brussels: More than 60 cars torched and firefighters pelted with bricks and fireworks
Advise to spice up my gay life needed
Anyone else who emigrated here plan on leaving?
Only 2 border officers for 200 people during vacation season at Brussels airport.
Πόλεμος στην Ουκρανία: Αναφορές για χιλιάδες λιποτάκτες
No free WC at Cirque Royal
32 Might not look like, but there's a dad and a boy here 👅
Otter body with the beard or mustache?
Bigger than you thought? 😈
Bob Mizer: Military Films (1958 - 1973)
Two naked guys rush out of sauna to help man who became disoriented in the hot tub
tell me if i'm overreacting, but brussels is so incredibly loud
Εχθές το βράδυ γύρισα ένα βιβλίο που είχα δανειστεί πριν 7 χρόνια.
Do you use a jizz rag when you jerk off?
Gay bros, what do we all like wearing around the house?
What can I do about this?