My goodbye won! Next - day 6: which song has sad lyrics but sounds loving?
Which Animated series is basically this in a nutshell?
At last, Mount Rushmore is complete.
And Duvetbox makes three! Who should round out this Mount Rushmore?
She had some competition, but Neal Illustrator still swooped in and got a place on the podium. Who deserves our penultimate placement?
What’s your name
Which Disney Channel series finale made you cry your eyes out every time? 😭
How would your OC react to getting misgendered?
In a landslide, Gigi swept and stole first place. Who’s getting the next spot?
No Longer Cat
The underworld won! Day 2: which song has loving lyrics but sounds sad?
Replace any word from any song of epic with "ball" or "balls"
Let’s make a Mount Rushmore for Epic animators. Who’s first?
The sutiors were chosen and I’m too lazy to find a picture. Last One
Lets do it! Top comment decides. Day 1: which song sounds sad, and the lyrics are sad?
What are some of your Epic vocal stims?
The winner of that one was Athena, what character is just straight up evil
The worst thing each character has done. Day 3 - Heather Chandler (Movie actions are also allowed)
The worst thing each character has done. Day 2 - Jason Dean (Movie actions are also allowed)
Elpenor was chosen so now who is the gremlin
You guys choose antinous (and it wasn’t even close) So whose the hot one 🔥
What story is this for you?
What’s a show that did okay when it first aired but quickly faded into obscurity?
The top comment was Hermes! Now who was meant to be hated?
Of these former Disney Channel stars, who do you think is the most likely to win an Oscar in the next ten years?