“Long Day” by Matchbox 20 is a stealth Midwest Emo song.
Animosity towards "indie emo"
Can I still be emo if I Dostoevsky-Maxx ?
Band recs?
my better half - mybetterhalf. (Seattle emo)
When did bands start labeling themselves as "emo"?
Second wave emo before 1994?
Hot take: I REALLY love how the 2 star full arts look (with the 3d models that everyone calls ugly)
What album do you think represents the biggest evolution in a band’s sound?
Can Emo be instrumental?
Invincible [COMIC SPOILERS Discussion] - S03E07 - What Have I Done?
BFFF ‘26
Best Friends Forever announce 2025 lineup
Holy shit this is an insane lineup. Knapsack, Texas is the Reason, Burning airlines, Jawbreaker, Elliott.
What reunion would you pay a kings ransom for?
DAE brand new?
Mods deleting Brand New related posts…
Texas is the Reason appear to be teasing something.
Portraits of Past continuing to get a real zoomer education
Why I am starting a campaign against Lime scooters - join me?
Febuary 'Sure Shot Through The West Coast' tour w/ Aplacewevealwaysbeen, Journal, & Bullets Between Tongues
What does the hardcore community think about this album?
I’ve never played the game before, who should I believe? (Without spoiling specific details)
Email from Best Friends Forever organizers with more 2025 fest details. Lineup coming soon!