I have never met a person who knows what MBTI is
am i cooked
When did you all get your first girl/boyfriend??
Let’s play kiss, marry, kill
Build the next Em album
FOMO Joining the trend
Hot Take
what type do you think would make the most compelling villain?
How many of us have ADHD?
The types as animals lol bc all the ones I’ve seen have a *very* specific and obvious bias
What is the best album starting with G?
Public Speaking:
Best *band* starting with letter N?
The Trolley Dilemma
What’s Eminem’s best song that isn’t a single? (Excluding Till I Collapse, because that’s an easy answer)
Need new music to listen to!
What Offends Feelers?
Someone comes up to you and says "Modern Eminem is trash." What song are you showing them to change their mind?
Which one is this 4 you?
What’s a movie that NOBODY can convince you is good?
Forget best opening track. What’s the best ending track?
Kim was chosen as the most emotional MMLP song. What is the best song off of The Eminem Show?
Who Do You Think Is Best Villain In Cinema History?
I just listened to and ranked all of Eminem's studio albums. (Infinite - TDOSS) Any soundtracks or Collab Albums I should listen to and add?