GK/GD accidentally scored in opposing teams goal - what happens?
The dog I’m looking after has the cutest overbite 🥺 (OC)
Meet Bertie
Moving to Jersey
(OC) when you don’t want belly rubs to end
Meet Bailey, one of the pups I look after (OC)
The cat I’m looking after is so over all the noise from his brother
(OC) The dog I’m looking after claiming his spot in my car
Free ticket for London show
What are some Simpsons phrases you use in everyday life? Whenever my wife gives me a “honey do” list…
London felt emotional, something I'm not prone to.
If you were there last night then I salute you.
Official Buy/Sell/Trade/Give It Away concert tickets thread.
Nah bro i can't 😭💀
When you’re a hunting dog that wouldn’t hurt a fly (oc)
That side eye! (OC)
I’ve been pet sitting this beautiful cat and her dog brother this week.
That side eye 🤣
Our office dog making the rounds in her festive collar
Books you wanted to like.
Just got my braces off after 7 months and couldn’t be happier with the results!
An English Pointer doing what she does best.
Every morning our office dog likes to gently take my hand and walk me upstairs to my office.
Should I go to the doctors about my uneven jaw?
Three month progress