What do I name him?
Would you cut your locs for a job?
I lost him, my world feels empty.
Can’t wait to finish this creepy character, what do you think?
Hi everyone, in Studio One 6 I’m trying to draw automation line in a 45 degree angle. I can only choose a box shape now to toggle the automation on/off. How do I create a 45 degree angle automation?
Problem with automation
Ready to print...
2 years and 6 months in the patience is paying off
New owner here, please be quick! 🙏
Why is so hard to install Kali Linux?
Still far from complete but the head is basically done
Anyone got an idea what sort of cat this may be?
My cat died yesterday, so I wanted to share some of my favorite pictures of him
8 years in. Should i cut ???
Fresh Retwist.
I give up
After 2 years my hair can go into a full messy bun 🫶🏽
Edgewater Mexican Cafe closed indefinitely
MPC Key 61…all answers are answered
How can I make edges smooth
Think these will be worth good money?
Is this normal for crown scalp to be visible with locs or are my locs in the back to heavy?
I'm doing a bust of Ludacris