Which fictional Characters would go hard as frontmen?
Let's play a game, every artist on spotify has a "fans also like section". Reply with a screenshot of it from one of your favourite bands and we'll try guess who it is.
Someone explain how the mainstream popular rappers of 2010s are still just as popular today
I’m an old fuck. What should I be listening to?
Update: from the guy who didn't get Slayer
[PC][2000-2010s] PopCap-like sidescroller for kids
As a Future fan, I think he's almost completely lost his touch
Is keeping a litter box in my bedroom bad for health?
What's the best way to prep for a second year microcontroller class?
Please help me understand Slayer!
How often should I be deworming and defleaing my 4 month old cat?
lectures from 5pm to 9pm
Would like some feedback :) Has anyone used GarageBand for dnb? How did you find it?
Short melodic drum n' bass song. Would like some feedback :)
Student desperately searching for a part-time job, with no luck. Need advice
Would having college, a part time job, and an internship be too much to handle in second year?
Is the lfg reddit still worth trying?
[Online][Other][NZST]Barbarians of Lemuria - Adventure and Sagas
Need ttrpg recs based on these preferences
Fixing the martial/caster disparity - bring D&D back to its roots with risk factor.
Help getting newly adopted kitten to use litter after 3 days
Best VGM Jungle?
What can I do to make my kitten comfortable in his new home?
After 3 months of using every spare hour of free time to learn DnB, it's now my first time releasing a track on all streaming services. Let me know what you think! Full album on the way :D
super stoked for my first dnb album release, spent countless hours trying to learn from the greats and it feels good to see progress! This was the first ever track I made, let me know what you think, still trying my best to learn