RMR 16.5 hour timer, how do you handle this?
Sealing grout, can I apply over tile?
Traditional 401k or Roth 401k, what’s better for me?
What is this?
Will a Geissele Comp M4 Mount work with an Aimpoint Pro?
Anyone do upper/lower back to back over 4 consecutive days?
Upper/Lower split 4 days in a row?
Got the appraisal back, is this good or bad?
5th Gen rear window lubricant?
Put on new Falken Wilpeaks AT4’s and they needed rebalancing after a month. Is this normal or okay? These weights were not visible when they were first installed…
When are you guys normally satisfied with your zero?
Are you daily driving your 4R or do you have a beater?
And advice on water damage?
If you had to keep one and sell two?
Anyone have experience with the KAK Brownells uppers?
I’m crazy, bought a first gen w/250K+ miles
Effects of unfiltered oil?
Daily driving a 3rd Gen?
Torque castle nut to 40# they said
What not to do when you carry a gun
Which setup is preferred for a GPR HD/SD/SHTF scenario nowadays?
Which ACOG do you prefer?
New 2025 Trijicon optics?
Not so Merry Christmas…
16” Love