A Muslim autorickshaw driver brutally attacked a Hindu family, which have females and children over a minor issue in Nashik.
This pervert is making fun of savarkar,cant contain himself for 2 days and is making fun of freedom fighters like veer savarkar@Crazy_Singer_5137
Mahaveer singh rathore
The truth about muslims in India
न्यूनगंड / inferiority complex : constant Maratha bashing by Rajput a sign of inferiority complex they inherited
About the recent Rajput vs Maratha....guys listen.
What are your thoughts on Modi Lipi
Marathas saying that Rajputs are jealous from them. Lol why would someone who protected this land continuosly for 800 be jealous from 150 years confederacy?
Why the maratha hate?
The truth slipping out of the Jihadis in Bangaldesh? Is the translation accurate?
[Graphic] UP: Gulzar and Salman mowed down two girls with their vehicle in Gorakhpur for opposing molestation, one dead, the other injured
Cutie doing is things
i have doubts about cystitis can someone please dm me to talk about this
Marathi Muslim Sangh didnt bother to write in Marathi .............The Irony
She loves to drain big black cocks!
India Summer