Y’all should hear this😆
It’s Raining Tacos
You’re the impulse I give into - by Garnish (indie emo)
Why? The Active Psychos.
$entse - Star
Music startups have got one thing wrong. They don’t understand something. What is it?
Share what song's on your mind. Your earworms. Help others discover the gold that you have.
Gringa, Mas Afuera might be the catchiest thing I've ever written (don't worry -- it's in English, except for that one little phrase :P)
Then You Can Tell Me Goodbye
I feel like we’re spiraling towards Zero
Unravel (from Tokyo Ghoul)
Let the light in❤️
Like that
What is your main issue rn?
You’re Gorrrrgeouuus
In Your Head, Zombie
How can us musicians help each other?
What irks you about Spotify/YouTube/Apple Music?
What irks you about Spotify?
Struggling to identify problems to solve in the music industry
Bad angle I know but want a form check, I bring the bar to my neck btw
Shittiest experience