,,Keep flying now"
As they are mother and daughter, do you think that their hair would smell the same or at least similar?
Why yui is cute?
I like this haruhi poster
Konata allows you to ask her ONE question. What are you asking her?
Mio cosplay by natsukiyuki72@
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Any new details?
She seems interested
Why is she scratching her ass 😭😭? Nasty mf…
This sub might be starting to have a bit of an issue
Lucky star
Konata is really satisfied on finding a fumo of her
Go ahead
Tsukasa Hiiragi (by ジヤス)
When Will One Piece End?
Santa Kagami (by Cynical)
There appears be random line in the background (Episode 11)
Security kicks Travis Scott out of his own concert without recognizing him. Moscow, 2014.
One Piece 1134 Spoilers
Cosplay Tsukasa (by 餅宮ほっち)
Thumbs Up! (by あまたつ)
Konata tattoo I made :3
Konata talking on the phone with Ms. KUROI about a video game 💙🎮
I'm on nico nico douga in class lmao