How does no one on this show catch that Bree has OCD?
Which restaurant deserves every penny?
help me for my neon cosplay
help me for my valo neon cosplay
I felt awful for Katherine here
I cant stand this man
Films that take place in one-setting.
Susan is awful to watch and gaby is the worst housewife ever
What should be 100% free in our country?
is there any active valo player that doesn't buy skins?
what would the world be if magnus carlsen wasnt taught chess?
tell me anything about valorant cus im pretty new
if a foreigner acquires a korean citizenship before the age of 20, are they still required to go through military service?
Do women appreciate no hair down there?
my (19F) bf (23M) cannot finish to a bj from me or sex with me on top without having to jack off in front of me
can a guy notice when lube is inserted beforehand?
What is your go-to-ulam?
what is/are the basic etiquette/s that you practice?
they say you attract what you hate, what do you hate rn?
How do you keep your sanity these days?
What do you do to fall asleep?
If gain a message from friend claiming that they falsely reported you...don't reply
My Cousin (26M) can’t build M/F relationship, other than love one, and we need your help with that.
civil wedding
headset help!