Don't blame the NDP, China gives tax cuts for business sending Fentanyl and it's flooding the world.
Why Canada’s Economy Is Just Fine
The guy determining if grandma gets health insurance:
Feces smeared on Wayne Gretzky statue in Edmonton
Because govt efficiency.
Playing with spoons
Vancouver Island itinerary
Walking talking contradiction.
This isn’t Bangkok, it’s Madrid
Why am I supposed to be outraged that China executed four drug smugglers?
Japanese bike parking lots to save space in the city
A more lighthearted post, in these troubled times: The newly restored Casino of Constanta, Romania.
Proudly what?
First time in 13 years seing a beggar in Tokyo
Japanese policy to abolish skirts for female officers
[x-post] The one espresso you have to try in Tokyo as a coffee lover
The one espresso you have to try in Tokyo as a coffee lover
‘It’s everything’: Nanaimo food bank sorts tonnes of donated U.S. produce
Tokyo government considers ban on tourists riding subway during peak hours.
Canadian Tire Experience - Rant
New Contender for Ugliest Cybertruck
expensive but effective
Support local drag (now more than ever!)
Bird flu is hitting the U.S. hard. Now, migratory birds are flying north | How Canadian scientists are ramping up efforts to curb the virus that could cause the next pandemic
Questions over rows of brand new Teslas filling random parking lots
Chinese call centre looted in pakistan