Rat mouse
Is anyone else tired of the spoon memes?
help me come up with outrageous names
someone find out how he did this
Watching This Crusher Pulverize Things
You walk through Jerry’s door and head to the kitchen. What snack you grabbing?
That's. Not. How. Autism. Works.
Need new music to listen to!
Belly angry face
How do I convert this into terms of a function.
Ronnie for Prime Minister 🙌.
1 + 1 is 1
Ah yes, the three cures
Thanks Mr Stark
Adache ace cater tally lll inhue
i wonder what species would dominate the earth if humans were extinct
TIL Lisa Kudrow was originally cast as Roz but was fired after 3 days
This guy lost 16 consecutive tosses
Which one do you prefer and why?
When you're this one person doing that one job.
hh h hhh hhelp
What is this fork called?
Most of us
What color was your Panasonic Toot-A-Loop
personal mark. too hard to understand? (does it matter..)