Pirahna's design looks silly to me. Does it for You, too?
So thats not just a face miro created for the game? rher actually exists??
I think everyone here knows the answer.
Which character is this for you?
FINISHED! Thanks for Contributing and Engaging! - Final Thoughts?
Is parasite of mortrex worth it
Pav fanart I commissioned
Faputa In my style
I'm sorry
Nanachi (OC)
(Spoilers for "Dawn of the Deep Soul"!) Have You ever wondered who was sacrificed?
Day 6 - Who is a Horrible Person and Who’s Opinions from Fans are Divided? - Wazuchad wins Day 5!
Should I get tau?
Day 5 - Who is Morally Grey, and Who’s Opinions from Fans are Divided? - Riko Wins Day 4!
Looking into getting some kroot! Where should I start?
tau is good for newbies?
I'm not quite sure if Adler thought this one through.
What we thinkin
I'm completely new to mini painting and 40k. I'm proud of what I did and learned, but could you give me critique and tips on how to improve?
My best painted mini....
Need help chosing a skin tone
Primus Kitbash
Tau Planes are replaceable, epicness is eternal.
How to play into grotmas custodes? Also markerlight Q
Army Start Question