What would you do with this?
Miku killing civilians in Ready or Not
Weekend Discussion Thread for the Weekend of March 14, 2025
Need help with a Jet
I cannot find this post what happened???
What Are Your Moves Tomorrow, March 13, 2025
How cooked am I?
Nice little win
For those who told me I should turn off options - you were right!
Only have 5 missions?
Maybe they just smell too good?
[IRL] My brother made this for me for Christmas
Weird bugs
Anyone else had this glitch happen when the new update came out?
What I got for Christmas!
Is there a military game just like ready or not?
Why do I have an SMG where my knife should be in ranked?
Now that we've had over a month with Bo6, what's the general thoughts?
Battle Pass still worth?
Eagle Artillery is not merged, it's removed/deleted for th17
i think the timer should stop when the player close the game, i'd love to see nexon do this QoL change.
Was doing my best to cheese lazar using the green army to get his gear... but then airdrop turned me into a blueberry boi
The love for this gun that I have I unnatural