CADPAT supremacy
A bit of a work in progress. Thoughts?
Do hawaiian shirts provide a tactical advantage? 🤔
Covered in CADPAT for airsoft
Rate my setup and gear
Found this absolute specimen on Tiktok
Took me a year but i finished the legs for my juggernaut kit
Yay or Nay on starter kit?
Any opinions are welcome, quite new to this.
This is my Invincible War OC his name is Overshootable
Artsakh Emergency Service inspired loadout.
Bryan Cranston - highschool senior picture (1974)
A bunch of cool vintage 80's ads for the UZI SMG
Good kit?
PSA: Don't HK slap your TM MP5 NGRS, or How To Render Your Gun Inoperable Because Replacement NGRS Parts Are Rare.
Who Would Win? (Inspired off a recent post on here)
2019. Taiwan Taichung City Police Department SWAT Team showed off their full set of equipment (mini Uzi/MP5/AR rifle/SSG2000) on their social account
Quick y’all are faster than main sub
What 😭
Looking for a Realistic Airsoft Version of the Hatsan Escort AimGuard (Shell-Ejecting Preferred)
Show and tell: show me your rare guns!
Failed every midterm this week.
Help need for Glock 42 by umerex
Vector aeg with 250 round mag