Who do you main and why
What interactions have you had with this games bad hitboxes?
Collab skin idea
Would anyone be interested in a sketch of their avatar?
Would your roblox character be contained by the SCP foundation
The TOP COMMENT within 24 hours decides what Nadya will cosplay as!
Two little goobers I made!
man fuck all of you
What (Non Roblox) Games do I play based on my avatar?
Giving your avatar a Voiceclaim :3!
Post your avatars and I'll tell you how I feel about them:
Abyss Generalist (this pic goes hard)
Screw it, bunny 007n7, thoughts?
New game plus. It’s time for round two. Lets see how fast I can do this while also trying to get all the vestiges this time
Usually I think I look horrible. So I want others opinion on how bad I look so yeah
I swear every time I go to the base I have to resist making a character
Welp cathedral round 2 is done. Took less time then expected
Did anyone else know you can sit and play the piano?
Started a play through with my friend
Which weapon guys and gals?
Alright two post in a day. Wow. Anyways forgot I had this character too.
I've been playing for about 3 weeks now. This is my first character and I think she's so darn cute
I've Shown Her off Numerous Times, but Never Gave Her a Name. Give Me Some Ideas.