Any suggestions on what type of frenchie my two lovely’s are
Pyrrhuloxia, the Northern Cardinal's desert cousin
Morning sleeps for Boo
Everyone meet Effie
What do you guys think about this?
My newborn is an Aquarius, how can I be the best father for them?
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Anyone else relate to this????
Am i actually losing my mind???
Osprey before and after she caught her lunch
Red-crested Cardinal
when did you guys start letting your pup sleep in bed with you?
Beginner tips?
gray whales and orcas
She is leaving us too soon
Rocky flats
If you give a squirrel an apple…
Hey Dad, is that the chicky nuggies factory?
Pisces F and Aquarius M relationship???
My 9 year old frenchie done this whilst I was out, has anyone experienced anything like this, came home to sick and urine on the floor so checked the cctv and came across this. He has had a nice bath and is normal now.
Felipe - 2 years old
What’s a simple pleasure you are grateful for?
Beyond blessed 🥹
Can someone help me identify this bird based off just the call