Opinions on my avatar?
I got banned for 1 day and I want to die
What game do you think I play based on my avater :3
my appeal is rejected 2 times..
do you guys like this style of layering?
Found this at the thrift store. Is the signature legit?
is this messy layering??
Opinions? Tried to style "I Can Do It With A Broken Heart"
Just a reminder fat is a trigger word
Which album has the most skips for you?
What Taylor song SOUNDS the most SAD but has FURIOUS LYRICS?
The song sounds loving, the lyrics are loving
Are these real stories?
What’s the dumbest thought(s) you had when you first became a Swiftie?
What’s Olivia’s most majestic song?
Do you guys think that kids should play Roblox?
how to get this hair color and what color is it?
Do all of you have suicidal thoughts but are just afraid of death?
does anybody know what this color is called?? i cant seem to find it at all (the hair color on the avatar)
What Taylor song SOUNDS the most sad and also has the saddest LYRICS?
Best song on Folklore?
What was the introduction song of Taylor for you?
Random ban?