The Scott Adams argument from God's Debris on the Internet and DNA as proof against Theism
Proposed: Johnny actually teaches more like Mr. Miyagi as a sensei than Daniel does
Which of these 5 do you think was the bigger prick to their rival?
The Scott Adams argument from God's Debris on the emotional poverty of religious belief
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The conceivability objection to miracles, why Jesus not speaking Swahilli is a problem.
Humans Are Hypocrites
Sleeping on Daniel's number of wins between 1984/1985
Minimal Facts Argument for the Resurrection of Jesus
Religion as catharsis.
Alan Ritchson when he's asked if he's playing Batman in the DCU
What do you think about how Kreese went out?
Did Kreese redeem himself in the end?
So let’s be real ai
Where do you think they are getting the next $50 billion?
God has no limitations so stop imposing them upon Him
Some secrets they told me
Taking advantage of variable speeds for videos
There will be a recession because they wish it
Proposed: Causation-Based Arguments Collapse if Time Is Nonlinear
Getting rid of Islam
Proposed: Necessity of Omnipotence Is Disproved by Any Minimally Sufficient Creator
Who did this?!
“Even A Holographic Bullet Can Kill” —Jean-Luc Picard