Yoruichi is the hottest and attractive waifu in anime.
Moments before disaster:
How deep can I bury my face in those tiddies? Is she a top or a bottom? Can she crush my pelvis while riding me? I NEED ANSWERS
What is the story of CFYOW? Wrong answers only
As a 90s kid, this feels like a thousand years ago.
Kitten Roxy
Why is Ugin wearing clothes?
Unitree G1 does a side-flip
Why don’t Starrk remember Yammy when he died?
is this you?
hope theres no complaint
My friend tried to name Captain America, the first avenger. But he's not even magical?!
Question about Vorthos, Steward of Myth
The Devil is in the details (not a political post)
Apparently celebrities can be edited into photos using Gemini AI Studio
Kozilek has gone too far
Grain of salt under electron microscope
I’m so sorry, fellow Sin enthusiast, I know we were kind of having a moment… 😭 But— Rule #1: Never take your eyes off the opponent.
Should've sacrificed 50
Silk being made
When is it my turn 💔
How to make women like u 101…
What would be the favorite WWE Wrestler (or any wrestling promotion) of any Guilty Gear character. Ill go first: