This goes down the in-laws' disposal all the time
Am I Smart Enough to Rotate my 200A Electric Panel?
Where you’re most likely to get a speeding ticket in the US.
Perry, the donkey who served as the Donkey model for Shrek, has passed away at the age of 30.
Was told 4 years ago to stop wearing glitter polish in order to be taken seriously in STEM. Today I formally received my PhD
European hamster’s defence position
You suddenly have an unlimited amount of the thing described in your username. What are you rich with?
"Your body, my choice"
How much do you think this repair would cost?
Daughters to dads who support Trump: ‘You chose him over me’
What gifts are you effectively banning for the upcoming holiday season?
Part-Time Job while I’m a student
Flee! Flee for your lives!
Cache Me Outside: Winner Interview + One Trail More
914m from 2nd Switchback on Grove Creek (please confirm map pin placement)
Yep I’m a hater to the family who found it
Where is the official solve?!
It's been found
Okay now that treasure has been found, I want to hear the craziest coincidences you found that convinced you your solve was somewhere else. And, go…
The Hills are Live with the Sound of Music
When trees turn look like a cross and the distance looks nice.
Email 7
The Elusive “Shortcut”
Happy pie and beer day
Spanish speaker help! "Encuentra el lugar por el cual se nombra"