Woah, I though we left this type of thinking behind after the 2014 tumblr era
an idea that certainely won't turn ito an obsession
johnny bravo
this is exactly what having ocd is like
womp womp
hey lois
I had this as my profile pic when I was going through my "I'm 14 and this is deep" stoner phase a few years ago
"gUyS, wHy Is ToXiCiTy BlUe?"
and I was absolutely flabbergasted too when it didn't work
what's your unexplainable ocd lore?
true story
Why do older people in the US seem to have stronger regional accents than younger people?
can't escape it
"doEs tHiS trIGgEr yOur oCd"
"we're all a little ocd"🤪
Favorite sandwich in Nassau?
I think Hurricane Sandy was my exposure therapy as a kid
Tf is album blue?
Good spots for taking photos of 'vintage' items, cars, buildings, etc?
What's the first major news story you can remember living through as a child?
A guy at my old job blocked the drive thru line to curse me out
I had a dream about Gordon Ramsey saying racial slurs
"You look high as fuck"
Anyone want to be OCD buddies?
i know the meme template is a little offensive, but this is honestly how it feels sometomes