Green Lantern fans, do you believe in free will?
What's the Longest You've Stuck with a Rapper until you Decided they Fell Off?
Performances you love that hardly anyone talks about?
Who's a living person you think has enough willpower to be a Green Lantern? (no controversial people)
All-Time Oscars Day 5: What is the best live action short film of all time?
What’s cooking in Marvel right now?
People over 35, what do you personally spend your expendable income on?
Day 4: Producing the Worst Movie possible
Is Kendrick's glaze going too far?
It's Friday!! Drop Your last four watched
Post your #2, #3 and #4 films of 2024 and I/whoever else wants to will try and guess your #1
Which couple is this?
Love My Tattoo
Top 20 Green Lantern story arcs - day nineteen - tales of the GLC miniseries takes 19th place - highest upvoted comment wins
Top 20 Green Lantern story arcs - day eighteen - circle of fire takes 18th place - highest upvoted comment wins
Did Geoff Johns come up with the flying rings searching for wearers thing? (Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps Special)
What instrumentals had the hip hop world on fire durring their popularity?
A fine addition to my collection
Who's your favorite female Marvel character part 1
If you had the opportunity to pick one existing NIN song that would be played at each date of the upcoming tour, what song would you choose?
How many of you liked Grey She-Hulk?
Top 20 Green Lantern story arcs - day eleven- emerald twilight takes 11th place - highest upvoted comment wins
Unrated/nsfw films have the best reviews.
ALL TIME FAVORITE remix?(no extras can only be one)
What is the oldest and newest movie you have logged on your letterbox?