Sunscreen that doesn't make me want to rip my face off?
What cybernetic augmentation would you like to see in a future Deus Ex game?
What’s your guys unorthodox special interests?
Pavement help
What's your nickname among your villagers? :)
Little gift for the bug-fearing owl
What triggers your anxiety?
Took about two years... look at Gucci now!
Was happy to see that Orville takes breaks now and then
Help with choosing map
American here. I plan to take the FRA to Heidelberg shuttle to get to town this week. Is it customary to tip the shuttle driver like it is in the US, or no?
My candle-eating mouse is back!
What is your piggies name?
Reply with your favourite villager and i will decide if you can enter.
Final Fantasy X/X-2 Bingo: Fan's Favourite Female Character
TIL in 2005, three lions rescued a girl of 12 kidnapped by men who wanted to force her into marriage, chasing off her abductors and protecting her until she was rescued by Ethiopian police.
What are some of your favorite villagers?
What's your theory that you can't prove, but that you think might hold up if someone were to do some real, legitimate research on it?
an “I guess I’ll take her” after I was tired of villager hunting
Idk if this qualifies as cozy but, my lease up
Album art walls complete!
Wish me luck!
I screamed
Bf and I got married in Acnh