We're being out-shitted by main sub scrubs again
MBDTF part 2
My 100 favourite albums ranked from most to least accessible. Agree? Disagree? Why?
Hopping on the trend now. Who in my family who has the best and who has the worst music taste?
If you were a professional critic, which artists would be a nightmare for you to review?
HOT TAKE: Taylor Swift is the best entertainer/artist since Michael Jackson
What would you say to Sanji if he told you to forgive these three women?
Need some really depressing albums that feel like just giving up
2025 North American Tour Announced
I don't believe people who say "Christianity is just as bad"
I am finally saying my Shahadas
who gets aux???
Need GOAT albums that take you on an emotional journey to fill the void left by The Glow Pt2, IGOR, YWGWYW, LYSF
Online gaming hasn't been ruined by "sweats," you just suck
How many 10s are there for you cuz there’s only like 7 for me
What headphones should I buy?
Wishing a happy 30th to The Bends because Fantano hates the album
Which member of my friend group has the better taste?
if laughing song was sang by Isaac it would be considered one of their best songs
Trade request: My 10/10s for your assumptions. Simple.
Hopping on this trend
r/Topster's favorite albums by genre day 7: Shoegaze
since everyone is doing it
What Music Take Has You Like This:
Some albums I like, pick an album and I'll tell you my favorite songs