W/L guys, I think I just pulled off the biggest scam of my lifr
question: do we have to beat all of chapter 3 with hard mode to get Monster Hunter or can we get it by beating the bosses on different files? because i am not fighting Hatred knowing damn well i'm gonna die 200 times on my hard mode save file.
What character do you want in dandy's world (picture related)
F2P Giveaway
What's your name without these letters?
Can anyone explain these?
Hey guys, can yall rate my interesting build?
Need to convince my mom to get the game.
Ur name without this letters?
What does ichor taste like?
Colorful April has won
What's your go-to build for chapter 4 once it releases? For me it'll be :
show me an Image and I'll make it a "fills you with determination quote"
What level is this (wrong answers only)
CUB VOUCHER GIVEAWAY!!! (read caption for rules)
This sounds stupid and i think no one Will agree with my Idea but what If dililah some How is conected to Twisted dandy?
Describe your fav toon in 4 simple words (Image unrelated)
Say a Phrase or show a Image that only your fandom Understands
You know what? Screw it, let the autocorrect make the whole sentence for you
I had a dream of a twisted Pebble redesign and I still remember it so I drew it I'm not the best at drawing
Which Cub Skin is your favorite?
sellin my stacked account
Holy shit you guys
Twisted Cosmo offers you a cupcake.