How do I actually get Robux??
How to avoid Scam Giveaways
Giving away 1,000 robux!
PLS Donate Advice for others
Winners of the 2K Robux Total Giveaway!
2K Robux Giveaway (1k to 2 people)
Those that raised above $40k? How did you do it?
saving for headless; is it possible?
Is it me or am I seeing less bots now?
This subreddit sucks
My account 0f 7 years was taken on a website known as by someone on discord called danger1d1
POV: You're a high raised player in PLS Donate
Four horsemen of this sub
How to Earn More Robux in Pls Donate (2025)
Controller bumper barely responding
Type of PLS Donate players which need to be talked about.
hi im saving up for an animation😃
roblox didnt give me my 118 robux (pending for a month)
Is this the greediest person on plsdonate?
Someone took my robux
Can anyone donate 10 or 20 robux