Casuals will walk up to comp players to get them to "prove them wrong" only to plug their ears when they actually get proven wrong
"No legendaries mythicals paradoxes- 🤓" please shut the fuck up
Skill issue, just get better favorites ig
Brought to you by the top minds of r/pokemonmemes
"Powercreep is when the chomp is UU, and the more the chomp is UU the more powercreep it is" - this sub probably
We have never been so back
Casual tourists reactions to Natdex OU banning Tera
Help with a sound based dog mon?
When they will not be changing the species
Silence Smogon player, a tourist is speaking
I really don't know why they see this as an issue
"I'm not rude, the competitive players are."
Furret Evolution: Furret (#merica #gowitharceusbro)
"Competitive players use the same mons" mfers when the:
And Y'all Thought These Guys Were on Fraud Watch when DLC2 Launched
252 SpA Kyogre Water Spout (150 BP) vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Flutter Mane in Rain: 313-370 (124.7 - 147.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Funny how they say Smogon hates yet they conveniently ignore that tiers exist so that their faves can see use
Comptitive Pokemon in a Nutshell
30 cm feather, Sarawak
Crystal has a shiny pokemon.
Baxcalibur and Hydreigon have been banned from SV UU
Funniest meme of r/stunfisk in 2023
Working on a Rain Team for S/V OU, any idea for the last slot ?