Hickenbottom "Mina and Mariah in PorNXXXT? Oh yeah.... now I'm cooking with HEAT HUNTER!"
For the last time.....I haven't seen Rocky 3 and we're not doing chainsaws or any other mudshow BS
And in this moment, Roman Reigns feared for his life
Roman Reigns: In all of my years in this industry, I have never once feared for my life more than in this moment.
Hi I'm Jonny Moxville and welcome to the DUB.
So, What *is* a low effort post?
And umm ahh...that doesn't umm include ahh....you know....people with two TV's and that stuff.
Cult of Cornette Daily Discussion thread - 21 Mar 2025
This is going to be the most epic AEW review ever Lmaoooooooo
Day 12 of singing every Ghost song until the release of Skeletá
what is the worst of these two albums?
Ghost lyrics that describe you in a way
Why didn't Theory kick out of the Cross Body? Is he stupid?
An unexpected surprise!
Good start to the week. One purchase, one pre-order. It's Tuesday, but can we pretend it's Friday?
So...how exactly do you live without Workers Rights? Going back to candles and horses?
Grok 3 Beta has been banned from Collision
DAE two sides of the same coin?
The most prestigious and top prize in all of professional wrestling.
SCJerk "Our Jerk Queen don't got internet"
Pinball Man-Baby finally finds a finisher that doesn’t require a 10-minute anime power-up sequence
on this day I am wishing that we will not need to lock this post
And then I told the mods, we've just had enough of these Vince killing Owen posts. Not original anymore.
“…and then these fuckin modern goofs post another “Owen Hart” meme. Back in the territory days we had original jerks and the fans fuckin cared. Whaddaya think, Brian?”
DAE thinks that Def Rebel is the reason that DIY isn't over