Took zopiclone for the first time last night and still woke up every 1-2 hours
Are they all insufferable when they are sick?
Are the all insufferable when they are sick?
3.5 mgs of zoplicone only worked 4 nights. Feel so hopeless.
In need of support. Has anyone struggled with insomnia here? I'm floundering
Prescribed zopiclone for sleep and it stopped working after four days. Doctor is out of town. Help
Super twitchy legs?
Separation anxiety
Taking pill every second day to start to help side effects?
My anxiety has hit such a bad point, even sleep meds aren't helping me sleep much
Will I ever sleep again?
I (24M) am losing attraction for my GF (24F)
Insomnia from anxiety
Current panic attack
I'm new to this. I have barely slept in two days. Every time I start to doze off, I get an adrenaline rush that keeps me awake. Lorazepam barely worked
How the hell do you function with insomnia and getting only an hour of sleep a night for days
I have not slept in two days. Every time I start to doze off, I get a little adrenaline rush and am awake
This is the second night this week I've only gotten an hour of sleep. I don't even know what to do at this point
I (25M) cheated on my gf (22F), she left me and dated someone else before we got back together. Any advice on how to rekindle the relationship and leave the past in the past?
(26F) Is it odd that my bf (27M) practically begs to go in the back door when being intimate, but when I suggest doing anything to him in that region he's heavily against it
Bundled up for winter in Canada!
Will my V*gina go back to how it was before having a baby?
My 23m boyfriend doesn’t want to have sex with me 23m
Traumatized after threesome (me F35, husband M54, mistress F25).
Skinny is not “in”.