Coyotes Are Back 👍
Ohio is considered one of the most depressed states in the country and Cleveland was just ranked one of the unhappiest cities. Does the lack of sun have a lot to do with it? How do you deal with so much gloom?
Adjusting elevations TSC5
Car seats
Cleveland Aquarium - how bad is it, really?
Random VHS tape sent to me. Return address is my home address as I’m at college
Finally happened
No way am I this dumb!
New toy
Fat Court?
Surveyors of the corn.
Tuesday Show Thread-September 17th 2024
Selling "Merch" in the Metropark?
Punctured my tire while driving on a residential road. Feels slightly heavy for it's size. About three inches long.
Where you’re most likely to get a speeding ticket
The word “soda” takes over.
Actually a decent solo guest?
Why hasn’t nick Mullen been on yet?
Should Topo Survey Include Trees
Which set up?
Aerial footage of "Taharrush Gamea" (collective harassment) in which large groups of people crowd together in an attempt to sexually harass women in public
Battle of Ohio skylines
Which one of you did this?
Multiple men in Dallas try to kidnapp children multiple times.