Noid Scop $35 shipped
🌶️bridgesii noid tip graft $25 shipped + TBM-A $40 shipped OR $50 for both
Bruce’s Dragon $50🛳️ Rib Shifter 47 🛳️
TBM-B $28 shipped
🌶️NOID Bridgesii pups (rooted stumps also available)
NOIDS $25 shipped for both of them. Come as a pair
NOIDS left-$25 shipped right- $25 shipped BOTH-$40
TPM x Sharxx $33 shipped
☀️Sunburst $35 shipped
Button Grafts
Notchy NOIDs
TPM on PC $25+🛳️
⭐️ 🚨 TBM giveaway 🚨 ⭐️
Baker x Helen $40+🛳️
16in Twin Spine Bridgesii $40+🛳️
Blue Achuma Bridgesii - 50 shipped
ID help please
My first tbm cutting!
Crosshair that shows near exact bullet spread of gun. Really useful for shotguns.
~100 plants 6ish months into this wonderful hobby
Accidentally Hit DMT Cart
Not sure what’s going on here
Is that a San Pedro cactus?
Pokemon FireRed Deluxe Official Box Art