If Ditto could copy the attack of any basic Pokémon for one energy, how would that affect the meta?
Why is Ditto not able to copy genome hacking from Mew Ex?
Who can survive Charizard's Crimson Storm?
Zapdos EX + Magnezone Decklist
Your AI is manipulating you. Yes, it's true.
You are offered 100 million US dollars if you will switch your political allegiance to the opposing party.
Missing 1 card! Muk🔷🔷🔷 Trade offer:
Would any of these cards be too BROKEN?
Melmetal Bastidon deck I've been rocking since STS
here's an extremely niche idea for Ditto EX
I Swear Leafeon and Probopass are Competing.
I think abortions should be legal.
Before the image is banned here's my take
I call this: No Cards Allowed
looking for :
Looking for 1 Yanmega EX
My bootleg version of 18 trainers
What’s that one card you’d be thrilled to have?
Y'all will hate but I'm telling you, this ain't bad
This deck has been working well for me any advice on how to improve it? Lo
Yeah this Shen comix didn't age well
Aggressive Arceus/Exeggutor EX deck
I am a D1 Gatekeeper. All of you posting your rants about not getting the emblem is what fuels me.
I have taken all of your advice and made this cards. Give me your opinions
What do you guys think about adding this card to the game?