I’m having a really hard time with tape
Update to my last post about taping
Do you ever just like get over urticaria?
6 hour drive and you can only listen to one artist. Who are you listening to?
pre t 16 am i doing ok
Yellowjackets S03E03- “Them's the Brakes” Episode Discussion
What’s everyone listening too right now?
idk what to do
Places in nyc/ny or anywhere near that do top surgery for an 18 year old
having trouble with GOW collection
iPod prices in 2025 are frankly ridiculous
Custom my Ps Vita.
I keep having problems with i pod and i think it’s my computer
Does anyone know how to fix this?
Am I being an asshole or is this a little weird?
please someone draw my sisters dog for her!!
how we freakin looking
i tunes not recognizing my iPod I’ve tried downloading older versions. It doesn’t work and different chords. I tried to go into my driver and Apple isn’t showing up in it either. I’ve tried literally everything.
please help my gfs cat
A year in t two days ago how am i doing? how old do i look?
does anyone know how to fix this?
Sd card won’t read after modding