Mods to give Wyll the large male body.
Selunite Weaponry now has all new weapon models
Roronoa Zoro (One Piece)
More fun with the Names of our beloved companions
As promised, all bosses in act 3 got tuned into gold
Somehow, I can still twin Chain lightning with Markoheshkir (bugs?)
Should I remove a mod if the author takes it off the nexus within days of posting it?
Trying to make Selunite quarterstuff
What your favorite screenshot spot?
Me wanting Selune sword effect. Modder: here you go
Finding mods that have visible rings or ring sets as gloves
I tried turning Myrkul into gold
My attempt at dressing up end-game lore accurate Lae’zel
Rolan is dead in Act 2. Consequences for Act 3?
Is there a way to replace XM4 headband by myself?
Trouble with the Hag/Auntie Ethel as Paladin
Elsa durge, ice sorcerer
Is there any enlarge effects that stacks with giant’s rage?
I wish I could swap party members in the Mind Flayer Colony under Moonrise
What should I do with Wyll in Dark Shadowheart Origin run?
Whats a good class to play with a friend?
So I’m tired of Isobel having one useless spear
Cantrips only
I accidentally killed someone with reverberation boots
Could anyone explain what is Mayhem and how is related to Harding?