Do you think the old trophy system was too harsh?
Who else actually uses an original deck?
Why does Supercell insist on creating new trios instead of adding brawlers to the incomplete ones?
Shade humbles the enemy team
tried my hand at a 4-bladed fan (inspired by mumbo and jake kelton obviously)
Finally got an all mythic lineup 🥳
Whats one skin you want but can never get?
how many lions could brawlers kill? (irl)
I need Vivian to sit on my face.
Baby gets his first glasses and sees clear for the first time!
There are more lurkers from the left here than I thought. So here is a challenge.
That's fair...
Which character was this for you?
Instead of a Hyper new players get a free Surge and Legendary SD
I love nulls brawl
Got banned from r/pokemoncards this morning for this post LOL
Mods can’t handle the truth. I love the subreddit but this is an objectively true thing.
Is this a sign?
Wife was checking out and saw a restock. Except guy before her buys all prismatic stuff leaving 4 surging sparks packs.
Opinions about the new balance changes?
Wow does anyone else think Overwatch is getting too sensitive?
Kid friendly Content Creator on YT, just got an email from a parent saying how much their kid liked seeing their art & name on a livestream. Been doing this for 6 years and it’s the first time I got an email like that, put a huge smile on my face
A lady walks into a bar and asks the bartender for a double entendre, so he gives it to her.