18F please be really honest
Why is Gojo Crying(Wrong Answers Only)
This is the highest I’ve seen it when I clock in.
Should I ask her out ?
I have been dreading this day
18F I've never had a bf and have been rejected twice. What's wrong with me..?
Say something nice about this form.
Smoke grenades are the strongest grenade/gadget, change my mind (read comments)
Will Ultra Ego break the internet
Fav faction to play?
Is this a good score?
Failed asvab
My favorite out of context scene from the anime
Anyone has this? No friends option?
I killed a Tiger Tank (with help from my squad) and 3 BF-109's in one life, under 2 minutes!
Yeah I thought it sucked
It’s taken awhile but I am finally getting the hang of flying. Had a great tun last night, 9 kills in one match.
Green fn
Respect women
Insta down???