Seriosly? 500 likes on codebreaker and 300 likes on XS-01 & XS03???😭
Roblox. Just codebreaker
Just realised something. What is this supposed to be
Roblox. Do you like my sword sword
Who wins
my wonderfull collection of thropy's! :DD
They got him as well
build a bo-
Artemis and Apollo finished
Roblox! I did it!
folly / dreamer sticker
is this folly
Да это я, ага да я я а вы думали не я ахахах не, это я
Roblox rebuild (WIP)
Building my oil rig on phone
Rebuild Artemis and Apollo
Green candies comeback
Is it...?
how do i fix this, the lines are supossed to be at the bottom
Who's this NPC?
Мужик сидит в майке в Питере