A book with the saddest f-ing ending because why the f not
Historical Fiction/fantasy set during ottoman times
Dropping Your Favorite Series?
Sci fi books with social commentary
Big Sci fi novels
Unpopular opinion but I think Alien is a much better film than Star Wars (1977) and any Star Wars film for that matter
Authors like Peter Hamilton
The Stand or IT?
What is the single BEST hero's journey you've ever read in a fantasy book (or series)?
Hidden gem/Underrated Sci fi
Please recommend to me your most underrated yet loved fantasy books !
Series similar to suneater..
Give a fantasy rec that you’re atleast 97.65% sure has never been mentioned on this sub before and think should be a must-read nonetheless; be as non-conforming and unique as possible
Next Stephen King Book?
After watching horror films are the books still worth reading?
Is there any horror movie you refuse to watch?
Look at all the books my husband found at his Friends of the Library section. Each book was $1 for hard covers.
I’ve never cried while reading a book. Let’s change that.
Brandon said in today's livestream that he expects Stormlight 6 to be released in 2033 💀💀💀
Book recommendations?
I just finished A Song of Achilles. I've read Circe before. What should I read next?
First time reading epic fantasy!
What is the novel or series with the best plottwists / big reveals in your opinion?
Finally got this one! Never seen any talk about it, what’s everyones opinion on SK’s Cell?
What was the book that made you fall in love with the fantasy genre?