AskALiberal Biweekly General Chat
So why are so many people here against Schumer's vote?
Why are Democrats not trying to obstruct the Trump Agenda? Will this lead more people to say both parties are the same?
Those of you who think dems need better media/messaging, where does the funding for that come from?
Do you think that most of Gen Z is gonna remain conservative for a long time?
Which Democratic leader do you feel best reflects the core values of the party?
Why do liberals blame Democrats for not making progress, when Democrats haven’t had a trifecta in more than 2 of the last 24 years?
How likely are the Democrats going to win the House in 2026?
Why is the right still coping and still angry?
Would you support a more centralized party?
Within 2 months of holding office, Trump reduced border crossings and increased deportation efforts without requiring a border bill from Congress. Does this prove the border crisis created by democrats?
Which people in the Democratic Party do you like?
Why are we losing the media war to the far right?
Shouldn’t jewish republicans like Ben Shapiro be concerned about the pro nazi tweets and support from Elon musk?
Is Trump playing with fire trying the overturn Bidens Pardons?
Polling shows the Democratic Party has a 29% favourability rating (a 20-point decline from 4 years ago) - why is that and how do we fix this in your view?
What would have been the benefit — economically or politically — for Democrats to vote to shut down the government?
So how do dems wins the next election? By going to middle or going the left?
Are we seeing the stage being set for a Democratic version of the Tea Party movement?
How can the democrats be the “opposition party” and the “lesser evil” when they can’t even get its members to agree to “oppose” republicans or that what the republicans are doing “greater evil”?
Do you think MAGA's definition of 'winning' is "making Liberals suffer, even if we also get fucked over in the process"?
Trump is a president that some liberals consider irredeemable. Do you think he is redeemable? What can he do to redeem himself?
Why do liberals hate Elon musk so much?
Need advice for long car ride with MAGA father in-law?