Is an almost 6 year old too old to have training wheels on bike?
Why do Americans always dispute free healthcare by saying it will increase wait times when our wait times are already long?
Something a doctor told you that appalls every other doctor you had?
This has to be stopped
Everyone talks about foods, but do you have a drink that's specific to your region or city?
Are drive in “movie theatres” real?
What should I say to my mom to explain why I can't give her back my birth certificate?
Choosing a resort
I think my business partner fundamentally does not understand me
How do you break codependency?
People who have stopped going to church, what made you stop?
Which brand do you boycott for a petty reason ?
Honest opinions on Hoop de Doo?
Why Is MAGA so Big And So Much Hate?
Can't import bookmarks to new account
Are Americano coffee drinks actually very popular with real Americans?
Sanaa before or after AK?
Do Americans have a dance to "Nutbush" by Tina Turner?
What kind of name is a black or white name?
What is an American grocery item you are willing to pay a premium and why are you willing to pay the premium?
What’s something in the U.S. that people constantly complain about, but deep down, they’d never want to change?
What made you start to homeschool?
Have you ever had a creepy experience?
Messages not sending?