Is the gate near the bunker at terrapin only for the people that did the other 24 mega tokens?
what do i do with all of these festive bair crates?
Looking for unapp mutated lovestorms
Guess who got Tristen2518 banned or data wiped 😂
Whats the most forgotten rod?(and i better not hear rotff jokes)
_____ , they're everywhere you look
How do you unweld a part on a character via clicking?
Trading for ssbm/ssgm phantom megs or unapp nessies
Trading my inv
I just wanted prodigy flow..
I just talked to a random guy...
trading ssm nessies loofing for unapp nessies
Six eliminations this round! Only 13 fish left, who will be the last standing fish?
I don't fucking want this shit
Update i finally appraised my nessie
how do I get a squid for this GODFORSAKEN QUEST?
Six eliminations this round, remember to upvote the comments of the fish you want to be removed! (Also, not allowing multiple choices this time)
Just lost an ssb phantom meg by getting scammed
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Did this with the forgotten fang strat
Lf phantom megs and supercharged Lovestorm
Trading ssm nessies and more ssm fishes
I'm genuinely convinced that the devs are doing these kind of "nerfs" on purpose now, because what is this?