Woman not arrested after mole3tation of 10 year old boy?
It’s discrimination not choices
why are men like this
1979 transphobia
Do people actually believe this nonsense?
As a BIPOC he should know better
Mothers never get enough support 😢
Men are victims now? 🙄
give me a break! Ughh
Internalized misogyny 🙄😬
Disgusting, we create life
Transphobia is science now?
men think they can do anything if they support women financially
She WANTS to be oppressed?
She’s back at it again
500k likes laughing at a 16 year old girl getting r@ped 🤬
Shaming another woman for how she’s dressed?!?!
Women don’t have responsibilities?
Is this true
Not going to lie this one made me laugh a little
Hitting women is gender equality?
what do you think about this. 🤔
Words can not describe how much I HATE this trend. (explanation on the description)
Police never believe in the woman’s side of the story