“Oh and Elon, he wants you to wear this hat”
GxK 3 better move its release date at this point...
Your top 5 horror movies of all time
What’s a job that isn’t obvious but pays surprisingly well?
You MUST endure a zombie apocalypse, which one do you choose, and which one do you blacklist?
Name a horror movie people have been telling you to watch forever, and you still haven't done it.
What's some horror movie soundtracks that you love listening to?
Dear friends, someone has tried to outpizza the HUT
Perfect or dang-near perfect trilogies
Is fight club good?
Why didn't Mothra follow Godzilla, Kong, Skar king, and Shimo up to the surface during the final battle in GxK? (BTW haven't seen the whole movie but I know the overall plot)
First time playing 🥰
What’s your favorite modern King Kong movie?
Favorite scenes from Godzilla 1998
Just finished a legit playthrough, now I'm looking to do fun solo runs.
I'm convinced the entire universe will implode on itself if there were ever a single day here where it wasn't fucking windy.
The popular movie you've never seen and still have no interest to see.
What is the worst superhero film ofat?
Rep. Sean Casten (D) faced backlash for voting to send $8 billion dollars in military aid to Israel
Would you want to be buried with your dog?
Someone did a post earlier about “Horror movie endings you wished were different.” I’m doing “Horror movie endings you think were PERFECT.”
this is just evil
If you could see any animated film get the live action treatment, what would it be?
Which one of these is technically the best film? Please try to be as objective as possible
Name a film where the soundtrack is as iconic as the movie itself.