to steer a ship, and record it
to steer a ship
IDF getting the treatment they deserve in Ireland
420 baby🚀🦍
Freestyle God - Harry Mack's Brain needs to be studied 🤯
This subreddit is clearly compromised
Kamesen Kulilin Embroidered cap.
UAPs over Daytona Beach FL
What’s under the pyramids
Structures Underneath Giza Pyramid
Freestyle God - Harry Mack's Brain needs to be studied
Why is no one talking about the pyramids?
Boston Dynamics Atlas robot showing off it's movement capabilities
Now this is the kind of footage that deserves investigating...
Animation vs Geometry
The JFK files have been released, but it appears that all crucial details have been heavily redacted.
This self driving is bad and scary
Banned from r/worldnews for this.
Woke up with an itchy asshole, bought 109 more. Tell me how hedgies will win again?
Rewatching DBZ for the 2nd time ... It's gonna be epic asf 🐐
Chris Mellon says the New Jersey mystery drones were another wave in a series of drone incursions the US has encountered since 2019.
Maybe Maybe Maybe
Potential debunking - the spherical object's shadow moves along with the other shadows as times passes
Gorillas act just like humans do ❤️