Guess my #1, age country gender
My new dog!
Guess my age and gender
I like him, but this dude is sooo mid in the ring his spear is so bad that micheal cole thought it was a crossbody. Not sure why he's in the world title division.
If you could be in one of these faction what would it be
Top 5 fav slipknot songs from WANYK
If you had the option to engrave custom text into your weapon, what would it say?
What will it take for hulk to never be booed again
Tell me your favorite song!
What should I name this horse MISSOURI FOX TROTTER, FEMALE,
Best song from albums day 10:
Whats the best use of soundtrack in TWD?
Who is level 100 already this season, I know I am.
Name this band. Wrong answers only.
unpopular opinions that’ll have you in this predicament?
Top 3 fav slipknot songs from The Gray Chapter
Name any fortnite character in comments and I'll try to draw it
Best song from albums day 9:
Which is the most iconic and well recognised picture of metallica
Are any metal bands truly satanic?
Best song from albums day 2:
Name 1 way WWE could ruin WRESTLEMANIA
Favorite Horses
What’s something Red Dead 1 does better than Red Dead 2 ?
I just got RDR, I beat the 2nd one, and loved it so much I went and bought RDR three days after beating 2.