Invite code megathread
Anybody knows what ink is this?
Should I stay on Arch or try Fedora? (unbiased feedback please ha)
¿A quien no le pasó?
help to find the light weight text editor
Got back into the hobby after a few years
Anyone here genuinely try emacs?
You have $200 to spend on a pen. What do you buy?
Ya neta, alguien que quiera ayudarme a practicar el speaking por llamada🥺🥺🥺¿
¿Es más difícil ser hermano mayor o el menor?
A child prodigy from India has set a world record. He mentally added up 100 four-digit numbers in 30.9 seconds.
Help me with this important survey on pencils
🤡Jovio 👈
Scripts for 1.1 still nib?
How many pens it takes to complete a B.S. in Engineering
My credentials for straight razor honing, aka watch me split lots of hairs.
My Sony wh1000xm5 doesn't pair
Are they?
WF-1000 XM5 or AirPods Pro 2?
What the heck is this thing?
Never worry about broken hinge's again!
Best DAC AMP for both Desktop/Phone use? (Wired) (DT 770 Pro 80 Ohm)
I suck at sharpening. Help?